〒103-8433 東京都中央区日本橋本町3-4-14
TEL:(03)3279ー7655 FAX:(03)3279ー7671
TSN-880/770 Series
World Sales Headquarters
4-14 Nihonbashi-honcho 3-chome, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-8433, Japan
Phone: +81(3)3279-7659 Facsimile: +81(3)3279-7671
Instruction Manual
e-mail: info@kowa-prominar.com
取 扱 説 明 書
20001 S. Vermont Ave. Torrance, CA 90502, U.S.A.
Phone: +1(310)327-1913 Facsimile: +1(310)327-4177
e-mail: kowa-usa-info@kowa.com
Immermannstrasse 43B, 40210 Duesseldorf, F.R. Germany
Phone: +49(211)179354-0 Facsimile: +49(211)161952
e-mail: scope@kowaeurope.de
Sandhurst House, 297 Yorktown Road, Sandhurst,
Berkshire GU47 0QA, U.K.
Phone: +44(127)693 7021 Facsimile: +44(127)693 7023
e-mail: info@kowaoptimed.com
〒103-0023 東京都中央区日本橋本町4-11-1 東興ビル4階
TEL:(03)5614ー9540 FAX:(03)3662ー2854
e-mail: info@kowa-prominar.ne.jp
Recycled Paper 再生紙を使用しています。
[ Focusing ]
Functions and Use (2)
■Tripod Screw
The tripod mount has a removable screw that allows the
spotting scope to be attached to either 1/4 and 3/8 inch tripod
heads. With the tripod screw inserted the mount can be used on
1/4 inch tripods. Removing the screw allows the scope to be
attached to 3/8 inch tripods.
When the object is substantially out of focus, use the quick focus knob,
Quick focus
to bring the object into focus 3 times faster than when using the fine
focus knob. The quick focus knob can focus from 5m to infinity in only
two revolutions.
The fine focus is convenient for fine focusing and slight adjustments.
* Do not turn the focus knob beyond its turning range, as it will damage the
focusing mechanism.
■Bayonet Eyepiece Mount
ピントが大きくずれている場 合 、クイックフォーカスでピント調整をすると、
ファインフォーカスの約3倍 の 速さでピントを合わせることができます。
2本 の 指で回すとより軽く動かせます。
Fine focus
The bayonet mount system of the spotting scope allows the eyepiece to be easily
attached and removed. The eyepiece locking mechanism securely mounts the
eyepieces to the spotting scope and prevents the zoom eyepiece from accidentally
falling out of the eyepiece mount from over rotation that can occur when zooming.
ピントの微調整にはファインフォーカスが便 利です。
バヨネットマウント方式により、アイピースをわずかに回転させるだけで簡単に着 脱が行えます。
[ How to attach the eyepiece ]
Align the red dot on the eyepiece with the red dot on the spotting scope
and insert the eyepiece. Turn the eyepiece clockwise until it clicks,
which indicates that the eyepiece is locked in place.
*The eyepiece can not be attached to the spotting scope unless the red dots
are aligned.
■Accessory Mount
Accessory mount
There is a protective ring that is attached to the accessory mount
threads. This protective ring must be removed before attaching any
accessories and can only be removed when an eyepiece is not
attached to the spotting scope. Turn the accessory ring
counterclockwise to unscrew it.
スコープを様々な楽しみ方でご使 用いただけます。
[ How to remove the eyepiece ]
When removing the eyepiece, press the release button on the left side
of the spotting scope while turning the eyepiece counterclockwise.
*Do not attempt to remove the eyepiece without pressing the release button.
This can cause damage to both the spotting scope and eyepiece.
■Objective Lens Cap / Eyepiece Mount Cap
Objective lens cap: The spotting scope comes with a protective cap
that be be attached to the front of the spotting scope to protect the
objective lens. The objective lens cap can be attached or removed by
pressing the buttons on the side of the cap.
Eyepiece mount cap: The spotting scope comes with a protective cap
that can be inserted in the eyepiece mount when an eyepiece is not
attached to the spotting scope. To attach or remove the eyepiece
反時計回りに回してください 。
mount cap, align the dot on the eyepiece cap with the red dot on the
spotting scope. Turn the cap clockwise to attach and counterclockwise
to remove. The eyepiece lock release button does not have to be
pressed when removing the eyepiece mount cap.
■Focus Knob フォーカスノブ
The focus knob of the spotting scope has a two-step mechanism; one
for fine focusing and one for quick focusing. This system allows a
smooth transition from quick focusing to fine adjustment.
The minimum focus distance is 5 m.
* Do not apply force to the cap as it can be damaged.
Fine focus
Quick focus
対物レンズキャップはスライドボタンを押しながら着 脱してください 。
マウントキャップはキャップ のマークを合わせて 回 転させて着 脱してください 。
*無理に着 脱すると故障の原
Safety Precautions
Maintenance and Storage
Care and cleaning of the lens
Use a blower, can of air, or soft oil-free brush to remove dust from the lens surface.
Fingerprints and other substances left on the lens surface can cause mold growth.
After removing dust, lightly wipe the lens with a soft lens cloth, gauze, or cleaning paper
(available at a camera shop) dampened with a small amount of lens cleaner. Wipe the lens
surface gently in a circular motion, starting from the center and working out to the edge. If the
lens surface is still dirty repeat the process again, using a new piece of cleaning paper or an
unused portion of the cloth. After this, use the moisture from your breath to fog the lens and
wipe it clean, using a new piece of cleaning paper or cloth.
Never look at the sun. Severe eye damage could occur up to the permanent loss of eyesight.
Make sure that small pieces and packaging such as eyepiece caps, covers, plastic bags etc. are out of the
reach of children. If such an item is swallowed, serious injury, suffocation, or death could occur.
Set the spotting scope correctly, otherwise it may fall, causing damage or injury.
Do not place the spotting scope in an unstable location. If it falls or tips over, injury may occur.
Do not leave the product in direct sunlight. Fire may occur.
Do not leave the product near open flames, inside a car, or in any place where extreme temperatures may
occur. This can cause optical damage and lead to the failure of waterproofing.
Skin inflammation or irritation may occur by long term contact with rubber parts. If such a condition occurs,
consult a physician.
When using the spotting scope in an urban setting, make sure that you do not disturb the privacy of others.
This product is waterproof which allows for use in the rain. However, immersion in water and use of the
focus knob when wet should be avoided whenever possible.
A commercial lens cleaner can leave behind a film on the lens surface so use as small a
quantity as possible.
How to clean the body
Remove dust and debris with a blower or can of air and wipe with a clean soft cloth.
Do not use solvents such as acetone, benzene, paint thinner, or products that contain these
solvents to clean the body. These products can discolor or deform the outer surface of the body.
Carefully brush dirt and debris from the focus knob, sliding hood, and other moving parts.
Do not attempt to repair or open up the spotting scope body. This will void the warranty.
Storing the spotting scope without cleaning can leave stains on the surface and promote mold
警 告
growth. Cleaning is especially important after using the spotting scope in dusty or humid
conditions, or after use in the rain or near the coast.
太陽を絶対見ないでください 。失明の原
ポリ袋(包装用)など小さなお 子 様 の 手に届くところに 置かないでください 。窒息など事故の原
After cleaning, allow the spotting scope to dry thoroughly indoors at room temperature, replace
all lens caps, and then store the spotting scope in a dry place.
Place the spotting scope in an airtight container together with desiccant when storing for
extended periods of time.
キャップなどお 子 様 があやまって 飲むことがないようにしてください 。万一お子様が飲み込んだ場合、ただちに医師に
ご相談ください 。
注 意
製品の取り付けは確実に行ってください 。落下により破損やけがの原
望遠鏡を不安定な場所に置かないでください 。倒れたり、落ちたりしてけがの原 因となることがあります。
望遠鏡を直射日光のあたるところに 置かないでください 。火災の原因となることがあります。
のゴミやホコリは、ブロアで吹き払うか、柔らかい油 気のないハケで払うようにして、取り除いてください 。
についた指 紋などの 汚れは、保管の際にカビの発生の原
炎の近くや、車の中など、高温となる場所に放置しないでください 。光学性能や気密性を損なう恐れがあります。
ゴム製目あての長時間使用を繰り返しますと、皮膚に炎症を起こすことがあります。もし、うたがわしい 状 態 があらわれま
したら、医師にご相談ください 。
さい 。ガーゼやクリーニングペーパーは常に新しい面
を使って拭き上げてください 。
に膜となって残ることがありますので、できるだけ少 量でお 使いください 。
人家に向けて使用しないでください 。誤解を受ける恐れがあります。
市販のレンズクリーナーは、レンズ表 面
防水構造になっていますので、雨中での観察も可能ですが、水中には絶対入れないでください 。
本体を分解したり、指定会社以外での修理は行わないでください 。サービス会社での適切な修理・サービスが受けられ
潔な布で軽く拭いてください 。ベン
■Inquiry about repair
を含むクリーナーなどを決して使わないでください 。
● 「フォーカス・ノブ」や「三脚取付マウント」などの 回転部分に入った砂・ゴミは、ハケでよく払ってください 。
If there is a need to return your scope to the manufacturer for repair or maintenance,
please contact Kowa's distributor.
湿気が多いところで、レンズや本 体が汚れたままでの 保 管・使用は表面
はなく、カビや 曇りが 生じやすい 状 況となります。とくに、雨中や海辺など湿気、ホコリの多いところで使 用し
たときは、前記の方法で手入れしてください 。
〒103-8433 東京都中央区日本橋本町3-4-14 TEL. 03-3279-7667
Kowa is not responsible for any damage caused by mishandling and or natural disasters such as, fire,
earthquakes, floods, etc.
ださい 。
Kowa is not responsible for any damage caused by an unauthorized service center.
かねますので、ご了承ください 。
指定会社以外での保守、修理などによる故障・損傷につきましては、当社では責任を負いかねますので、ご了承ください 。
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